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Share your feedback and insights for eDistrict Uttar Pradesh portal

Start Date: 26-07-2021
End Date: 31-08-2021

eDistrict project is an epicenter of discussion to improve the experience and enhance the efficiencies of the various departments at the very elementary level i.e., districts. This ...

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eDistrict project is an epicenter of discussion to improve the experience and enhance the efficiencies of the various departments at the very elementary level i.e., districts. This will help to enable seamless service delivery to the citizens of the state.

MyGov Uttar Pradesh hereby invites everyone to come forward and share your feedback and insights for eDistrict Uttar Pradesh portal (

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420 Record(s) Found

KRISHNA 3 years 6 months ago

आदरणीय पूज्य श्री योगी आदित्यनाथ जी❗
प्रांतीय रक्षक दल उत्तर प्रदेश विभाग के 45000 पीoआरoडीo जवानों को यदि 12 माह रोजगार दिया जाय तो उत्तर प्रदेश को पुलिस कमी दूर होगी वित्त बचत होगा व पी आर डी जवानों को रोजगार भी मिल पायेगाl
क्योंकि प्रांतीय रक्षक दल विभाग एक सशस्त्र बल है इसलिए इस विभाग को गृह विभाग में जुड़ा होना न चाहिए न की युवा कल्याण के खेल कूद वाले विभाग में l

Ved Prakash Ojha 3 years 6 months ago

सर ई-डिस्ट्रिक्ट की सेवाएं में लेखपाल रिपोर्ट नही लगाते और राशन कार्ड का जो हमलोग लॉगिन करते है वह राशन कार्ड नही बन पाते राशन कार्ड वही बनते है जो सीधे ऑफिस में मिलते है या डीलर के माध्यम से बनता है

IGXXXXXXHB 3 years 6 months ago

जरुरतमनदो के आवेदन की सुविधा दुरुस्त कराएं.
सभी दफ्तरों के बाहर योजनाओं के विवरण की फलैकस लगवाएं
सब काम आनलाइन कराएं
हरि विशनोई

akshara dixit 3 years 6 months ago

Police vribes pr strict action hone chahiye .every gov. Field has a corruption problm. Jb pradesh se corruption km hoga strict rules hoge tbhi apna pradesh pragati krega .people should follow the rules.and bring the nation on big level.jb desh ke yuva aaye or desh ko aage le jaane k liye hard work kre.mahilao ko b inspire krna chahiye .self depend banna policy achi ho sbki .gov schools k teacher duty ache se follow kre bacho ko education deke.
Jai hind

Yatharth Gupta 3 years 6 months ago

शिकायत पोर्टल तो बहुत बन चुके लेकिन किसी भी पोर्टल में शिकायत का उचित निस्तारण नही होता है सिर्फ फर्जीवाड़ा होता है यह है जमीनी हकीकत जब तक पोर्टल पर फर्जी स निस्तारण करने वाले अधिकारी बर्ख़ास्त नही होगी पोर्टल का कोई महत्व नही होगा सिर्फ जनता का पैसा व समय बर्बाद होगा

Pushkar R Tiwari 3 years 6 months ago

Furtherance, a system should be developed when the registry is being done, an OTP based authentication should be initiated so that the plot can not be registered in different name without individual confirmation. GEOGRAPHICAL COORDINATE SYSTEM SHOULD BE DEVELOPED IN LAND PURCHASE & REGISTRY.

Pushkar R Tiwari 3 years 6 months ago

Dear Sir,
I would like to address a prominent issue being faced by the residents of uttar pradesh when they are looking for their dream home. It has been noticed that multiple registry is being done for the plots which has not been approved territorial authorities for construction purpose. Addition to the same, land purchase & sale along with registry should be done on geographical coordinate basis so that forgery can be avoided while registering a plot in individual name.

Shardeshu pandey 3 years 6 months ago

My point is that any policy or scheme is good or bad depends upon how it gets implemented and that depend on the official involved in its implementation. So sir my suggestion is that while selecting core team of any programe implementation rather focusing only on the hierarchy one should select passionate official for that part it will improve deliverable part of scheme to high level and give work satisfaction to employees too.