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Discussion on ‘Organic farming’

Start Date: 26-07-2021
End Date: 30-07-2023

Organic farming is a system of agricultural practices that seeks to work in harmony with nature rather than against it. ...

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'ऑर्गेनिक फार्मिंग' (जैविक खेती) को उत्तर प्रदेश में बढ़ावा देने हेतु अपने सुझाव दें और विचार व्यक्त करें

Organic farming is a system of agricultural practices that seeks to work in harmony with nature rather than against it.
In the long-term perspective, it is the endeavor of the State Government to make Uttar Pradesh, a State which promotes organic and natural farming.

Share your suggestions/ideas to increase organic farming in Uttar Pradesh.

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76 Record(s) Found

Mukesh Kumar 3 years 7 months ago

किसान के जानवरो को madical fasility probide करायी जाये जिससे वो कम मेरे (death कम हो) और urea Or DAP को और महंगा किया जाये जिससे लोगों गोबर खाद use करने लगे। इस promote किया जा सकता हैं

Ayush Kumar Rai 3 years 7 months ago

To increase organic farming in uttar pradesh.Uttar Pradesh should increase the price of organic vegetables and fruits.So,farmers will then produce more organic vegetables and fruits and teach them and tell the advantages of it.It could be done by agriculture sciencist or volunteers
Thank you

shashank parihar 3 years 7 months ago

organic farming shall be promoted through agriculture department by conducting weekly awareness programme at the village level also we need to discourage use of chemical fertilizers by providing data and information about harmful use of chemical fertilizers, north-east state-Sikkim is known as the organic state, we need to copy such a model at large, we need dedicated team of experts to promote this as a revolution

Manish kumar 3 years 7 months ago

मनुष्य का मूल स्वभाव स्वार्थी है. वह बिना अपने फायदे के किसी काम में रूचि नहीं लेता. सबसे पहले किसानों और जनता को आर्गेनिक खेती और उत्पाद से होने वाले फायदे पता होने चाहिए. बाकी सब खुद ब खुद होता जायेगा.

Sakshi Dwivedi 3 years 7 months ago

For organic farming we need organic fertilizer so awareness between the mass for segregating household dry and wet waste and by this we can produce green manure which is an important aspect of organic farming.Also proper training is needed to do organic farming also it should be included in our education system where coming generations better know how to grow organic food and avoid use of chemical fertilizers.

Anuj Panwar 3 years 7 months ago

Uttar Pradesh ke chote kisano ko esse jodna chaiye.
Organic food products ke lie ek alag market hona chaiye.
Eske lie district level par schemes launch honi chaiye, aur sbhi scheme online available honi chaiye jisse padhe like yuva asani se schemes se jud ske.
Eske lie alag se cash incentive scheme honi chaiye jisse chote kisan suruati nuksan ko sehan kr ske.
UP govt ki schemes ke lie ek central portal hona chaiye jo sahi se functional ho.

ShreshthiGupta 3 years 7 months ago

Manniya Mukhyamantriji,
To increase the organic food production,
1) population must control
2)facility plus getting enough money for farmers (this will not only increase organic farming but also increase the economy or state and india)
3)programs must be driven for farmers to motivate them for oraganic farming and also for public(they get to know what is organic farming and its advantages).

Praveen Agarwal 3 years 7 months ago

माननीय मुख्यमंत्री जी
जैविक खेती को बढ़ावा देने के लिए सबसे पहले सभी सरकारी खेती योग्य भूमि जिन पर वर्तमान में खेती हो रही है.... उन सभी भूमि पर जैविक खेती होनी चाहिए। जैविक खेती से होने वाली उपज के लिए मंडियों में अलग स्थान होना चाहिए। प्रदेश के हर गांव में जैविक खेती जानकार को नियुक्त करना चाहिए। उपरोक्त पर विचार करने की कृपा करें। जैविक कृषि विश्वविद्यालय की स्थापना पर भी विचार करने की कृपा करें।